Post Card Project.

The location I chose for this project was Millennium Park in Grand Rapids, this is a place I recently discovered this past summer. When most individuals think of a park an image of a grassy area with a jungle gym, picnic tables, and maybe a pavilion comes to mind. Not only does Millennium park offer all of these, it also has a sand volley ball court, bocce ball court, a beach, fishing areas, boat rentals, and my personal favorite miles of paved bike trails. In exploring why I was drawn to this place I came to realize that is was not only because it allowed me to be close to nature, it was because the park tamed the parts of nature I find dis-pleasurable. More specifically I developed a belief that for humans to be happy we have to strike a balance between the worlds we create (man made) and the natural world (nature). If we surround ourselves with only man made things we will not be truly satisfied, because any joy we feel also comes with a veneer of artificialness. Conversely if we forgo everything in the manmade world we will feel despair, because nature, true nature, is cold, uncaring, harsh, and unrelenting. It is literally kill or be killed and nature doesn't care how you think the world should be. So happiness in my opinion lies in a balance of both, and parks are such a place where this balance is attempted. My photos hope to show the relationship / interconnectedness between us and nature to answer the question of why we are drawn to nature.

In my first postcard called "Natures Power" I use the image of a power tower to help illustrate natures power. First I used the polygonal lasso tool to cut out the power tower that actually exists in the scene. Then with the same tool and the eraser I cut out any of scenery that can be seen through the power tower to make it transparent or like a mask. After this I copied what I had cut out 3 times. For the first one I made it appear as if it were naturally growing out of a bush in the foreground. I did this by erasing the bottom two thirds of the power tower and by changing its opacity. Then I used the paintbrush and patterned it to look like the bush. The reason for this is that I wanted to illustrate that our power comes from nature and a lot of times we don't realize it. We think we have domain over the food we eat, but if there wasn’t power in it would we still have supermarkets full of food just for its ascetics? It is because of this power that we are drawn to it. For the second power tower I shrunk it down with the transformation tool and greatly reduced its opacity. Then I placed it in a shadowy place in the background. The reason for this is to illustrate that there is a dark power in nature that we either ignore (at our own peril) or are afraid of. Consider the Ebola virus that ravaging western Africa. This is a part of nature we can't even see with our own eyes and only 100 years ago didn't even know existed. Yet it has caused countless deaths. The third power tower I placed in the bottom right corner of the photo under a bush. The reason I did this was to create an optical illusion. By placing it in the foreground under something it appears smaller then the power tower in the center of the picture. In reality they are the exact same size. I did this to illustrate that although we feel separated from nature we are actually more similar to nature than we realize. I say this because ALL living things contain DNA, and DNA is only composed or four different amino acids represented by the letters A, T, C, and G. The only difference between a polar bear, a fern, a fish, and us is the arrangement of these letters. 

For the second post card called "Hidden Nature" I utilized a photo of the underside of a drinking fountain. First I used the magic wand, smudge, healing, and paintbrush tools to change the color of the sky to a more idealized blue, I also used these tools to blend it with the trees that were in the background. I did this to for ascetic reason and because the original sky color was distracting. My hope was to draw the attention to the fountain. On the underside of the fountain I Used the clone stamp and the healing brush tool to create the effect of grass under the fountain. I then used the polygonal lasso tool and eraser to pull the image of a park bench a trash can and a grill from other photos of the park. I then shrunk them and placed them on the underside of the fountain. I did this to convey that nature is far more complicated then how it appears on the surface sometimes. Take for instance a dead log in the woods. If you roll it over you will see all sorts of organisms growing and crawling around. Consider for a moment that is an area that other living things are trying to tame. When we see this we should be just as amazed as if we had seen a little park under this fountain. As far as the bugs are concerned they were creating a park, it just happens to be in a place we normally don't look at.

For the third post card called "The Price of Balance" I utilized the photo of a jungle gym at the park. I also utilized an image from the website  

Of oil mixed with water. I overlaid the oil image on the park and then put a mask on it. Utilizing the eraser and the brush tool with different opacity on the mask I took the water puddles and replaced them with oily water. I also took the areas that were drenched and made it appear as if oil was just below the surface or that the ground was saturated with oil. I did this to illustrate that creating a park like this has a cost. Keep in mind that 97.4% of the park services are free. Yet I've heard people while I was at the park complain about the oilrigs and pumps that are around. I believe that part of the money that is earned from these pumps helps to pay for the park, making a very lovely park available to anyone. Whether it's this park or another park, a nice park doesn't just happen. If we want to enjoy these places then we should take into account every aspect of the park (including how it is paid for). If we do not want oil to make the park free then we should come up with an alternative funding plan instead of complaining about it. We shouldn't only focus on the parts of the park we like while ignoring the rest; otherwise we may end up taking them for granted, and we very well could lose this beautiful thing that gives us such joy.


  1. I think that your choices are very interesting and you have an interesting concept behind it, but I wonder if your images would be as effective without the explanation that you offered? You are very knowledgeable about the subject and the issues that are surrounding the park, but I'm not sure if I would have gotten all of these points without your explanation. On the other hand I think your second image is my favorite because the concept reigns through on its own very well. Very good job though, interesting points and topics.

  2. I enjoy all of the conceptual thought you took time to put into your postcards. You thought deeply about this environment, and made every decision with purpose. Extremely interesting ideas, i'd like to see more of this! :)

  3. I like the use of symbolism in all of the postcards. Your explanations really helped with my understanding of your work. I especially like the second postcard. While I did not understand the meaning behind it until you explained it, I did enjoy the picture itself.

  4. Good Project. I liked your thinking behind the second photo, it was very clever. Your presentation was good too, I think you were very articulate and your explanations really revealed a lot about your project.

  5. Chris, what a well thought out series of images. I love the unexpected nature of the second postcard. For me, this postcard conveys your idea most coherently. The treatment of color in this image is also really successful. The slightly surreal color conveys a certain mood, maybe one of artificiality. Great job!

  6. Conceptually, I believe your second photo is the most powerful. I can understand your correlation to the logs found in nature, and finding things beneath, and the angle of the image makes me want to really get down to get a better look at it. I had a much harder time reading the concept in your first image. I'm wondering if it would've been easier if you stuck to only one concept (such as perspective, or hidden power, etc), rather than multiple? Since the towers are all in the same image I want to find a universal meaning for them all and have a hard time. Your third image seemed to have a pretty clear concept, too, but I wish I could've identified the oil as "oil" easier. I wasn't quite sure what it was until you explained.

  7. A very thoughtful project! I was drawn mostly to postcard 2 because the underside of the fountain is a great symbol of a fallen tree that has been rolled over/lifted.
    The artist statement is crucial for viewers to fully understand all of the metaphors and symbols. This would be a great project to build off of and could be stronger if a few simpler symbols were added.
    Postcard 3 is very moving because it foreshadows what could happen if we do not take care of our environment. Good job!!

  8. Your thoughts behind making these images are really powerful and scientific. I think your second image is the strongest visually, its abstract and such a unique angle it really makes you stop and take a good look at it. It aslo hold a greater meaning, I liked your reference to rolling over a log over and you see the life that lives underneath, taking that and adding it to an area that wouldn't contain life is really interesting. The idea behind image 3 is powerful as well but i think i would of liked to see more. you talked about the oil pumps that were around, maybe incorporating the pumps in some way could make the image stronger visually.

  9. Your views on nature and our place in it are interesting and seem very thoughtfully developed. Your postcards demonstrate these well, and the addition of your artist's statement really adds meaning to it. I really enjoy the image of the bottom of the water-fountain. I think the parallel to the bottom of a fallen log is a strong one, and the message that nature is more complicated and has more sides that we don't often look for or acknowledge is compelling.

  10. Wow, what a great base for your concepts. I think they were strong but it was a little hard to portray them visually with what you were working with. Each one made sense along with your explanation but visually it was very hard to interpret those meanings. I really liked the oil on the water in your third card. It was a cool juxtaposition of oil vs plastic and the funding you told us about. The water fountain image was probably my favorite. You really had to look at it to understand what was in the image but it looked very visually interesting. Well done!
