Sunday, September 28, 2014

GVSU Renaissance Festival

I went to the Renaissance Festival that was being held at GVSU this weekend. I couldn't help but wonder if in 500 years would people be doing industrial revolution fairs in towns where people dress up as bankers or factory workers. Perhaps instead of reenacting sword fights (like they did this weekend) they would do pretend football games.

While I can appreciate other peoples appreciation for ye olde times and I personally find the renaissance to be of great significance to human history; I find it perplexing when people say "life was so much better back then". I feel that they are either a masochist, or they don't fully grasp what life was like back then. Low life expectancy, high infant mortality rate, and the height of medical treatment was bloodletting and leeches, lastly there was not internet. If these people are referring to the honor, chivalry, free flow of ideas and other good things that are associated with this era perhaps we should try to fold these ideals into our time instead of trying to turn back the clock.

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