Sunday, November 30, 2014

Signed up for classes in my new major

I just got done setting up my classes for next semester. Almost all of the classes I wanted (as in the classes offered at certain times or with certain professors) were full. In speaking to a friend we concluded that this was probably due to the fact that since they were mostly intro classes. The reason this was a factor was because at least in our two majors the advisors make freshman sign up for a full year of classes during orientation. While I can see the advantages of freshman not having to worry about schedule classes at the end of their first semester; my cynical side thinks that the real reason is because locking a student into two semesters of classes for a major makes it more unlikely for them to change their major, since they would already be 1/4 of the way through a program. The two major problems I see with this is that first off students in my situation who have changed their major won't be able to get into the classes. Second and more importantly locking students into a major doesn't seem to be to their benefit because this is a time of profound growth; and what a student liked in the summer following high school graduation might not represent what the feel their best skill sets in a college setting. Instead students should take a wide swath of classes that will fulfill gen eds, this would allow students to explore different fields of study before getting locked into one. 

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